Only Some People Are Jewish, At Least According to ClickHole


ClickHole, the satirical website that is pretty much The Onion‘s answer to BuzzFeed, wants to remind us all that only some people are Jewish. The article begins:

You’re walking down the street. People are passing you on your left and right, and as you look each one of them in the eye, I know what you’re probably thinking: “He’s Jewish. She’s Jewish. All of the people I see are Jewish.” But if you think that, you’re wrong. Because the fact is, only some people are Jewish.

I know it’s only a joke, but it’s a strong wake up call. Living in Los Angeles, I keep forgetting that not everyone is Jewish. Maybe it’s all the mezuzahs I see on business doors, or the banners for the Jewish Federation that decorate Ventura Boulevard. Perhaps it’s the fact that I pass by more Chabad centers than I do Starbucks. But I highly appreciate ClickHole reminding me that not everyone is Jewish.

I guarantee that I’m not the only one with this problem, and I bet it’s not a local issue either. How many people wander the streets of New York thinking that everyone around them is Jewish? Or in Chicago? Toronto? Hamburg? Zurich? I shudder to think.

No longer will I wander into a bagel shop and shout “Shalom, aifo ha’sharutim?” for I should not assume they understand what I am saying. No longer will I go up to a person and ask what time I should light the Shabbat candles this week just because they have a beard. And most certainly no longer will I feel the need to impress the mother of every girl I date, because they probably aren’t expecting to me to be a doctor.

For not everyone is Jewish. As ClickHole puts it, “some people are Jewish, but some people are not Jewish.”

Click here to read the original article.

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